How much AD(H)D fabulousness do you have? Try this quiz to find out! This quiz is for fun and is not to be regarded as a formal diagnosis.
communicating across neurotypes, it’s the little things, accepting each other, reaching for more, finding peace and living in harmony
Communicating across neurotypes can be challenging, whether you are neurotypical(NT) and your partner is neurodivergent(ND), or you are Autistic and your partner has AD(H)D. Understanding each other’s brain types is key to understanding what can and cannot change in your relationship.
Together, you need to develop a common language to fully understand each other’s needs and capacities and to slowly make the changes you can and decide whether you can live with the ones you can’t.
At Scattergram, we can act as your translator and guide as you move closer together to transform your relationship into one that is less lonely and frustrating or disentangle what isn’t working to set each other free.
A.C.C.E.P.T. Group for Couples
A virtual support group for ND/NT and ND/ND couples who want to explore and understand how neurodivergence impacts your relationship.
Click to learn more
Articles and Resources
The Art of Autism Quiz for Adults
How much Autistic fabulousness do you have? Try this quiz to find out! This quiz is for fun and is not to be regarded as a formal diagnosis.
Why don’t traditional therapies work for me?
Traditional therapies are developed based the neurotypical brain & nervous system. The question is what can change and what is hardwired that way?
The Struggles of a Teenage Girl With a Late Autism Diagnosis
The Struggles of a Teenage Girl With a Late Autism Diagnosis by Wendy McGuire for Autism Parents Magazine.
What does it mean to have low or high-functioning Autism or ADHD?
“Low” or “high” functioning is often used to differentiate between the severity of impairment in brain differences.
How does therapy work?
Therapy is a bit like cleaning out the garage, where the garage contains a lifetime of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and experiences.
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Let us help you connect the dots
At Scattergram we have a process for exploring neurodivergence that goes beyond a checklist of deficits.