'This group didn't suck!' was the best feedback I received at the conclusion of Scattergram’s A.C.C.E.P.T. Group for Neurodivergent Adults >30...

Articles and Resources
Sanctuary Trauma: When Helpers Unintentionally Cause Harm to Neurodivergent Adults
There is a term for what happens when service providers unintentionally do harm to the people seeking their help: Sanctuary Trauma.
What is a neurodevelopmental disorder?
Significant changes made to the Neurodevelopmental Disorder section in the DSM-V combined a number of diagnoses into these six categories.
Do I need a diagnosis to identify as neurodivergent?
If you want to explore questions you have about getting a diagnosis and being neurodivergent, you’ve come to the right place.
Not sure if you are neurodivergent?
Could your social difficulties at school or work or in your personal life have more to do with your brain and nervous system than your personality and upbringing?
Are Neurodiversity and Sex and Gender Diversity Connected?
At Scattergram, we understand the intersection of Neurodiversity and Sex and Gender Diversity, we’d love to help you connect the dots of your identity.
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Let us help you connect the dots
At Scattergram we have a process for exploring neurodivergence that goes beyond a checklist of deficits.