Epictetus, one of the Ancient Stoic Philosophers, tells us to "Make the best use of what is in your power and take the rest as it happens." As a...
Neurodivergent ADULTS
navigating work, relationships and parenting, late diagnosis, masking and unmasking, autistic burnout, values and goals clarification, financial security, aging
Do you ever wonder if you’re reaching your full potential in life? You’ve done all the right things. You might even have that picture-perfect life. But you’re exhausted. And none of it seems to matter. When you are yourself, what you have to offer often isn’t understood or valued.
Or maybe you went your own way and carved out a place on the margins that’s just right for you. And you’re still exhausted. Something is a bit off and you don’t know why.
Or you know why, you’ve finally got the diagnosis, but you don’t exactly know what it means. Why can’t everything be just a little bit easier, you wonder? But it’s not easy being hard-wired for a world that doesn’t recognize and value your brain type.
At Scattergram, we understand the frustration and challenges of being out of step with the world. We want your life as neurodivergent adults to be just a little bit easier and more satisfying and for you to be a little bit more you. You deserve to do more than just survive. And the world needs the differences in how you perceive reality now more than ever.
A.C.C.E.P.T. Group for Neurodivergent Adults
A virtual support group ideal for those who want to explore their Neurodivergent Operating System, build skills, and share experiences.
Click to learn more
Articles and Resources
Why are transitions so hard?
Whether you’re a neurodivergent parent or a child or young adult, transitions like the end of the school year can disrupt your well-oiled schoolyear...
Types of Therapy
Types of Therapy & Modalities common to our therapists defined: DBT, CBT, Mindfulness, Trauma-informed and of course the A.C.C.E.P.T Program™.
An Abbreviated Glossary of the Neuroverse
Language is important. It helps us to understand and shape reality. Myths and misinformation about neurodivergence abound. We hope this abbreviated...
‘This Group Didn’t Suck!’: When Groups are Neurodiversity-Affirming
'This group didn't suck!' was the best feedback I received at the conclusion of Scattergram’s A.C.C.E.P.T. Group for Neurodivergent Adults >30...
How Can Neurodivergent Individuals Benefit from Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy can provide support with a variety of daily life activities for Neurodivergent individuals with the Step by Step Life Strategy Plans
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Let us help you connect the dots
At Scattergram we have a process for exploring neurodivergence that goes beyond a checklist of deficits.