“My hope is that neurotypical individuals also invest in personal growth and understanding, both for the sake of their relationships with neurodivergent individuals and for enriching our society with diversity and creativity”. – Therapist Rebeeca Goldstein
letting go while holding on, shifting boundaries, understanding atypical development, it will be alright
As your neurodivergent child moves into adolescence and adulthood, you may feel powerless in your ability to help even as you watch them struggle with challenges that grow bigger and bigger. Developmentally, they are supposed to be separating from you and turning to friends their own age. In some ways, your child may not have the same level of maturity as their peers to accomplish this, while in other ways they may be far more mature.
Their developmental path is destined to be different from neurotypical teens and young adults. It can help take the pressure off your relationship, for you and for them, if they bring their worries to someone here at Scattergram.
We understand the unique challenges your young person faces socially, sensorily, emotionally, and academically, and can help on all fronts: from being more organized with school work to working through friendship issues to exploring sex and gender identity to planning for their future and more.
You may, yourself, want to speak with one of Scattergram’s neurodiversity-affirming therapists about options for your child’s assessment and diagnosis, navigating health and educational systems, advocating on their behalf, making realistic plans for the future, and dealing with the uncertainty, grief, and anxiety of being out of step with other parents and societal expectations.
Are you grappling with questions about your own, or another family member’s, neurodivergence? Often a parent self-diagnoses after a child is diagnosed or notices commonalities with their partner, children, or other family members. It’s a lot to figure out on your own. Let us help.
Articles and Resources
Why are transitions so hard?
Whether you’re a neurodivergent parent or a child or young adult, transitions like the end of the school year can disrupt your well-oiled schoolyear...
An Abbreviated Glossary of the Neuroverse
Language is important. It helps us to understand and shape reality. Myths and misinformation about neurodivergence abound. We hope this abbreviated...
‘This Group Didn’t Suck!’: When Groups are Neurodiversity-Affirming
'This group didn't suck!' was the best feedback I received at the conclusion of Scattergram’s A.C.C.E.P.T. Group for Neurodivergent Adults >30...
How Can Neurodivergent Individuals Benefit from Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy can provide support with a variety of daily life activities for Neurodivergent individuals with the Step by Step Life Strategy Plans
The A.C.C.E.P.T. Program
The philosophy of Scattergram, which permeates all of our services and training, is embodied in our trademarked A.C.C.E.P.T. Program.
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Let us help you connect the dots
At Scattergram we have a process for exploring neurodivergence that goes beyond a checklist of deficits.