How much Autistic fabulousness do you have? Try this quiz to find out! This quiz is for fun and is not to be regarded as a formal diagnosis.

Articles and Resources
Why don’t traditional therapies work for me?
Traditional therapies are developed based the neurotypical brain & nervous system. The question is what can change and what is hardwired that way?
The Struggles of a Teenage Girl With a Late Autism Diagnosis
The Struggles of a Teenage Girl With a Late Autism Diagnosis by Wendy McGuire for Autism Parents Magazine.
How does therapy work?
Therapy is a bit like cleaning out the garage, where the garage contains a lifetime of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and experiences.
Why choose online therapy?
Online therapy has proven to be as effective as in-person therapy. It is also the ideal solution for those with travel barriers.
Gendervague: At the Intersection of Autistic and Trans Experiences
Being autistic doesn’t cause my gender identity, but it is inextricably related to how I understand and experience gender.
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Let us help you connect the dots
At Scattergram we have a process for exploring neurodivergence that goes beyond a checklist of deficits.