Wendy McGuire


Wendy McGuire Headshot

Registered Social Worker

Wendy McGuire Headshot

My Story

After many years of research and teaching in University settings, I made an abrupt mid-life career change to work with the neurodivergent. There were few, if any, services for neurodivergent adults at the time. I wanted to change that. It was personal. I am a mom, friend, colleague, teacher, and therapist to neurodivergent people of all ages and walks of life.

About Me

How I Help

Typical clients I work with may include:

Teenagers struggling to understand who they are and navigate school and social relationships
Late diagnosed adults who wonder what their diagnosis means
Adults who have self-diagnosed but continue to question
Individuals who are tired of masking or suffering from autistic burnout
Couples who are not getting what they want from their relationship and struggle to communicate about it
Neurodivergent youth and adults who want to meet other neurodivergent folks and figure these, and other, things out together

As a Counsellor

I provide traditional counselling services for mental health struggles (anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, self-harm, sex and gender identity stuff, etc.) I also provide non-traditional counselling based on my understanding of how neuroatypical brains and nervous systems work.

As an educator

I work to build capacity for neurodiversity-affirming educational and mental health services and workplaces in Canada. In a neurotypical world, the burden falls on the neurodivergent to adapt, at any cost. But round pegs don’t fit into square holes. The only way all neurotypes can coexist with an equal chance of being understood and respected is if we build understanding around difference and stop privileging typical brains over all others. To solve the problems of our world, we need neuroatypical brains! My training workshops are based on research and professional and lived experience.

Ages: I work with clients 13 years of age and older

Some of the services we offer are specialized to certain age groups: for example, the A.C.C.E.P.T. Program™ Group is meant for adults 30 and up.

Languages: English

Service Area: Ontario, Canada

Registration: #814939 Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW)


Session times vary according to the type of session you are attending.

Individuals - $225 per 50 minute session


Couples - $315 per 75 minute session


Family - $315 per 75 minute session


Accept Group for ND Adults > 30 – $95 per 90 minute sessions for 10 session held biweekly

Payment can be made by credit card or eTransfer. Regardless of how payment is made, a credit card is required on file.

The Practice

This practice is a virtual practice. At present, all sessions take place online. The platform we use is called Jane, a practice management system designed by and for Canadian health and mental health professionals.

Insurance Coverage

Registered practitioners’ fees may be covered by Extended Health Insurance Plans. Check with your provider.

Cancellation Policy

Without 48 hours advance notice for appointment cancellations, the full session fee will be billed.

Get Connected

Book A Free Consultation

Wendy is not taking new therapy clients at this time, but  please complete the form so that you can be matched with one of our trusted Associates who have received in-depth training in Scattergram’s trademarked A.C.C.E.P.T. neurodiversity-affirming treatment model..

We would like to invite you for a free twenty-minute consultation with our Client Care Coordinator.

The consultation is not a therapy session. It’s a chance for you to ask any questions you may have about us and for us to make sure you are in the best possible hands.

Therapy is all about the right fit. We are sure you’ll find the right fit with us, where neurodivergence is normal.


Why are transitions so hard?

Why are transitions so hard?

Whether you’re a neurodivergent parent or a child or young adult, transitions like the end of the school year can disrupt your well-oiled schoolyear...

read more
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