

Amanda Rawn-Alton Registered Psychotherapist
Amanda Rawn-Alton Registered Psychotherapist

Registered Psychotherapist


Ontario, Canada



Clients Served

  • Children, Teens, Youth and Young Adults (Ages 5 – 25)
  • Parents and Families of ND children
  • Support Groups (Parents/Guardians)
  • Organizations

My Story

I am a Registered Psychotherapist providing trauma-informed care for children and youth (5-25) with diverse neurodevelopment profiles, including Autism, ADHD, FASD, and co-occurring conditions. I am excited to work with you and your children because I know how much relief and growth can occur in a safe therapeutic relationship with an experienced, skillful, neurodiversity-affirming therapist.

About Me

You planned a family, excited to do the things with your child that you used to do when you were young. You imagined family vacations, playing board games around the dinner table, and relaxing in the backyard. Then your precious baby entered the world and, gradually, you realized she or he wasn’t quite like the other toddlers at the mom’s playgroups or the children of your brothers, sisters, and close family friends. It’s often been harder for you to get your kiddo to eat, to sleep, to leave the house without screaming, to come home without screaming, to communicate using words, to make friends, to engage with you and the world in the way kids are supposed to. It breaks your heart and stops it completely for a moment when your doctor suggests testing—it could be Autism or ADHD.

The diagnosis finally gives you language to understand and explain why your child acts the way they do. But no one gives you a guidebook on ‘How to Raise a Happy, Well-Adjusted Neurodivergent Child’. In fact, you are confronted with messages everywhere telling you what’s wrong with your kiddo and what you need to do to fix him or her. But, deep down, you know your child isn’t broken: she’s perfect in her own neurodivergent way. Why can’t the world give a little? Make a little more space? Be flexible in the face of your son’s hardwired rigidity? Give him more time to develop without giving up on him? Protect her from the unknowing and uncaring insensitivities the world has for children who perceive and act a little differently. Now your beautiful baby has reached the age to know that they are out of step with their peers and school expectations. It hurts. And it hurts you to see them hurt.

I help children and adolescents who crave acceptance, connection, and growth, on their own terms, and parents who just want to have happy kiddos. I see the need underlying the behavior and work with your child or teen, with you present or not, to get those needs met. It is often said that children are resilient, and they can be, but only if it is fostered through connection, safety, and security. If more people knew how connection and understanding grow when we see the experiences of children and young people through a trauma lens, later in life we would be asking “what happened to Adrian” rather than “what is wrong with Adrian….”

With a neurodiversity-affirming and trauma-informed approach to therapy, I provide that safety. It can be an immense relief to have someone finally understand your family’s needs, whether your child was recently diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, FASD, or other neurodevelopmental differences, or you are in the process of seeking assessment. Your child might be receiving ABA therapy, or you may be looking for an alternative. Either way, if you are ready to meet with your first experienced, professional, neurodiversity-affirming guide on ‘How to Raise a Happy, Well-Adjusted Neurodivergent Child’, book a free consultation.

I serve these communities
  • Early Diagnosed
  • Informally or getting Diagnosed
  • Parents
  • Siblings
  • Extended Family
  • Teachers
  • Educational Assistants
  • Camp Counsellors
  • Doctors and Dentists
I can help with
  • Abandonment
  • Anger/resentment
  • Attachment (in care – relationships with foster parents)
  • Behavioural
  • Executive Functioning (EF)
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Grief and loss
  • Grooming
  • Impulse control
  • Memory (long term & short term)
  • (c)PTSD
  • Resilience (healing from trauma)
  • Routines (sleep)
  • School specific issuse
  • Tantrums/Regulation
  • Transitions between activities/tasks
  • Trauma – Behavioural
  • Trust
  • Vulnerabilities
I am trained in

All Scattergram team members are trained in the A.C.C.E.P.T. Program™ and use modified Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, Trauma-Informed, Intersectional, LGBTQ2SI+-Affirming, and Strengths-Based approaches, and, of course, the ACCEPT Modality. And each therapist also has their own skills, professional expertise, and experience.

  • PACE – Read more here


Session times vary according to the type of session you are attending.

Individuals - $175 per 50 minute session


Family - $175 per 50 minute session


Family - $220 per 75 minute session

Payment can be made by credit card and eTransfer. Regardless of how payment is made, a credit card is required on file.

Free Consultation

Book a free 20 minute online consult with our Care Coordinator to discuss how we can work together to meet your goals.

The Practice

This practice is a virtual practice. At present, all sessions take place online. The platform we use is called Jane, a practice management system designed by and for Canadian health and mental health professionals.

Registration Details

#008479 College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)

Insurance Coverage

Registered practitioners’ fees may be covered by Extended Health Insurance Plans. Check with your provider.

Cancellation Policy

Without 48 hours advance notice for appointment cancellations, the full session fee will be billed.

Get Connected

Book a Free Consultation

Before connecting you with Amanda, we would like to invite you for a free twenty-minute consultation with our Client Care Coordinator.

The consultation is not a therapy session. It’s a chance for you to ask any questions you may have about us and for us to make sure you are in the best possible hands.

Therapy is all about the right fit. We are sure you’ll find the right fit with us, where neurodivergence is normal.

Types of Therapy

Types of Therapy

Types of Therapy & Modalities common to our therapists defined: DBT, CBT, Mindfulness, Trauma-informed and of course the A.C.C.E.P.T Program™.

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Communication Styles Quiz

Communication Styles Quiz

Worry about how you come across to others, at home, school, or work? And if you’re neurotypical, you may wonder why it’s so hard to communicate with a ND loved one or colleague.

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